Black Hair Matters: protective weaves

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What Are Black Hair Culture and Protective weaves?

There is so much beauty to be expressed in black hair culture. From the tightest of coily curls to the slightest flowing waves are just a few textures to express the beauty that black women exude! It has become no secret that hair in itself is a daily, weekly, and overall challenge to maintain and keep. Sometimes it becomes overwhelming and we run out of options. The big misconception is that more styling, more grooming, and more products are all we need. This could not be furthest from the truth. The truth is sometimes black hair just needs a break; especially when your hair is breaking. The fragile tresses that are often perceived as kinky and unruly is a lot more delicate than other textures.

What’s The Alternative?

Protective styles are protective for a reason. When done correctly they serve massive benefits. not only to protect the hair from heat, daily tugging, and natural elements we also have options to enhance our expression of beauty through hair extensions. For women who have never worn extensions or who have a less than pleasant experience, this option seems unfathomable. Honestly, I get it! As a black woman who wears hair weaves seasonally, the one thing I dont like is to “change” my texture and natural style of my hair. I opt to wear an afro kinky texture that almost mimics my natural texture and color. In fact, people often question why I even wear them, to begin with. Sometimes my own family doesn’t even realize I am wearing hair extensions!

I wear extensions for the seasonal protection of my hair, it’s that simple.  Im very comfortable in my skin and in my hair but, I understand that seasonally I need to give it a break. In the wintertime, dry elements wreak havoc on black hair. In the summertime its often too hot to maintain a hairstyle. These extreme environments create stress on the hair as we find ourselves in a state of styling and restyling and adding more products with a never-ending cycle. When I find myself in this cycle I simply protect it with a weave. This allows me to continue to enjoy my look and expression of my own style and beauty and not feel like Im changing too much.

As black women with many variations of textures and curls, there is no one look fits all. The fear that some women have is matching the right texture, density, and style that keeps feeling and looking there best. We dont want to cover our beauty we want to express our beauty and protective hair extensions are one of the best ways to do it.

what is a protective style:

  1. a protective style is designed to give your natural hair a break from heat styling, chemicals, and elements that put stress on the hair.
  2. a protective style is generally braided and weaved.
  3. the more of your hair that you cover, the more protection you will have.
  4. protective styles allow you to manage more care to your scalp while hair is strengthened and moisturized underneath.

who are protective styles for:

protective styles are designed best for black women. All weaves and extensions are not protective styles. Yes, weaves and extensions still can serve some protection and relief for all hair types but, protective styles are particularly ideal for black hair because they allow the hair to braided down and fully yield all the benefits.  Only kinky hair textures are able to hold a cornrowed hairstyle for months at a time and lay dormant. Therefore hair can be left alone and do what it does best, grow!

You don’t have to sacrifice your expression of beauty

One of the most beautiful things about afro kinky hair is its versatility. We can have it standing tall and strong on the top of our heads or we can have it straight as a shooting arrow. We can have deep waves like a rippling ocean or we can have spiraled ringlets coiled to perfection. There are no limits to black hair expressions and we can do this all with our natural hair or simply by adding weaves and extensions!

Are you thinking about enhancing your beauty through hair extensions or a protective style? I can certainly help you find your best hair statement with an array of textures, tones, and extension methods that may be the change you need. At my private studio, I have been helping women for years to find that perfect weave for them. I understand that women of color are desired just as many options as the skin that we come in. And not all of us want long straight weaves that make us feel less than ourselves. We want afros, curls, waves, and straight hair.

At Hair Weaves and Extensions, I cater to all hair weave and extension needs because black hair matters too.

For more info. feel free to contact me directly