Micro Links For Weaves and Extensions: What You Should Know

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Are you thinking about getting micro links? Do you want to get them but unsure if they will even work for you?

I am the expert weave and extension specialist who will tell you (hopefully) everything you need to know about weaves and extensions using micro links. The techniques using micro links are also referred to as the beaded method. They provide extreme flatness without using glues and adhesives. I have been using micro links for many years now. I have watched this tool used by many other stylists to create weave and extension methods of their own, just as I have.

One problem with these recreations is some stylists don’t know how to provide a secure attachment so that the beads don’t loosen and shift before the recommended time. It is also important to use the proper tension so that there is no excessive pulling. When micro links are used to give fullness and length while blending seamlessly with the natural hair, it can be the ideal goto weave in a low maintenance hairstyle. The keywords are low maintenance. One of the great benefits of wearing hair extensions is leaving the natural hair still within reason. If it requires more work than your natural hair would, micro links may not be right for you.

As a consumer or client looking to have this done, you may not even know the interchangeable ways that somebody can use micro links. Often potential clients reach out to me, and they say, “I would like to get micro links. They are often leaving it to me to inquire further about precisely what they’re seeking to have done. Often people don’t understand that micro links are just the tool or the instrument used to create. The micro link does not define a particular hairstyle or method. It is essential to understand what you want to do with micro links and if you are even a good candidate to have it done.

I use micro links often on my clients, but they usually don’t know what they want when they contact me. They know that they wish to have micro links, but not sure if they want a strand method or braidless method or the difference. And there is definitely a difference between the two processes. There is also a difference in the way stylists actually install. In my experience, the most prominent significance comes in how these methods last and hold up over time. I have learned that most good stylists can send you out of the salon looking fabulous, but as your install grows out over time, this is when the flaws will show, and the fact that you can’t get six weeks out of your install before you need maintenance.

I have spent countless hours mastering my installs and working out the kinks for what works over time and what simply does not work.

Here are the basics of micro links and how they are used to apply hair weaves and extensions. Microbeads are tiny beads lined with silicon. The beads are clamped onto the natural hair, and the hair is added with special pliers designed for hair extensions.



Micro links are tiny beads lined with silicon. They are used to install hair extensions. They are used for individual strand methods or braidless weaves. Meaning there are no braids, only links to create the weave or extension foundation.


This method was initially created with fusion tips. Hair is literally fused to your hair strands; however, the micro links allow the same type of pre-tipped hair [glued] to be applied without fusing it but applying it with the micro links [beads]. The beads are clamped to combine natural hair and the pre-tipped extension.


This method is done by connecting the micro links in some fashion to form a foundation. The wefted hair is then applied to create the weave. It is essential to understand this method is a blended method, meaning it is rows in between the natural hair; therefore, some natural hair will be out.


Micro links are not for everybody! Yes, that’s right, micro links are not the ideal method if you do not wish to leave hair out or want the most protective style. The idea behind protecting your natural hair is putting most of your hair away. This method does not allow the hair to be put away but blended with the commercial hair. It does not mean it doesn’t have some benefits, just not the best option.

Micro links are also not the best option for texture blending. In other words, if you have afro kinky hair and you want to integrate your kinky hair with a straight weave, it will become a very high maintenance hairstyle. Micro links work better when blending hair that is the same texture.

In my experience, micro links work easier when blending straight and wavy textures. With that being said, micro link extensions can work for anyone with an understanding of the maintenance and upkeep. I have found that my clients who have tried to blend their natural hair with a hair texture that required them to use more heat than preferred or an excessive amount of products to maintain their weave with micro links did not enjoy the experience so much.

The braidless methods offer the most coverage with the least amount of hair. This is my preferred method and most requested. It is also more cost-effective. With about six rows, you can get ideal coverage and length for about $300 installed.

The strand method is a little more intricate. The strand method requires a consultation before installation because the strands needed are based on the amount of hair that needs to be applied. They usually come in stands of 25 to 50. It generally takes about 150-250 strands to cover a full head. The starting cost for the strand method is about $400.

Whichever is your pleasure, micro links are trending for the flat seamless contouring effects that this weave gives, from high ponytails to flawless parts straight down the middle or directly across from side to side. It’s fun to try and break away from the traditional weave styling experience.

If you would like more information, please visit us at www.hairweavesandextensionsmd.com. If you are struggling to try micro links, where to get them, or would like to consult with me about this decision, please do not hesitate to reach out at info@hairweavesandextensionsmd.com or call at 410-744-4900.